Storing files and recordings in Supabase buckets
As you also use Supabase, you know how great it is. We would like to be able to store files used for knowledge bases, as well as recordings of calls, inside our Supabase buckets. It would alleviate your storage volume!
Henry Williams
Hello all! We've added support for storying files and recordings in Supabase buckets. Please find instructions on setting it up in the docs here:
Let us know if you have any questions
Henry Williams
Hello all! We've added support for storying files and recordings in Supabase buckets. Please find instructions on setting it up in the docs here:
Let us know if you have any questions
This post was marked as
Henry Williams
Henry Williams
under review
We're investigating.
Evgeny Chernyshov
Agree, we are thinking to copy recordings ourselves, but it would be cooler if vapi can save to our s3 bucket
Vahid Kowsari
Being able to just use S3 with the Supabase S3 endopoint would be good too.
Mario R
We also use Supabase, this is a good idea.