Increasing the wait time for assistant.messagePlan.idleMessages
A. Salim
This is a great addon and I really like it. Only issue that it will only wait 10 secs before saying idle message. Which in my opinion is a very short period. Normally i’d suggest having the limit somewhere around the 20-30+ mark which sounds more reasonable on a call to check if someone is still there.
That and like nikhil said, we need to add custom useResponse messages that if spoken by the user, it increases the wait limit. Such as “give me a min” or “let me check” phrases like that.
Nikhil Gupta
assistant.messagePlan.idleMessagesTimeoutSeconds goes up to 30 now
Nikhil Gupta
Fyi, there is also assistant.messagePlan.idleMessagesTimeoutSeconds. Check out the documentation at for details.
A. Salim
Nikhil Gupta yeah but its limited to 10 secs max
Nikhil Gupta
A. Salim You can increase to 30 secs now. Could you try and lmk if this resolves your issue?
A. Salim
Nikhil Gupta GOAT, yessir I'll give it a try and let you know ! thanks