Cannot Create Phone Number
reda reda
Same issue here also tried from the api, no area code working + no suggestions
same issue, even in a new account, so i cant to create new assistants
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
VAPI Phone number not working
Aditya Agrawal
VAPI Phone number creation not working
Aditya Agrawal
Same issue, no response from VAPI team.
Nikhil Gupta
hey Varghese Paul, dumb question, what's your use case requiring more 10 numbers?
Aubteen Pour-Biazar
Nikhil Gupta I'm not able to create a 3rd number, it's not just a problem encountered when creating 10+.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Unable to Purchase VAPI Numbers Despite Added Funds
Varghese Paul
I am unable to buy VAPI numbers even though I have successfully added funds to my account. I have tried multiple area codes, but the purchase process fails each time without any clear error message.